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Past Events

The Native Boarding Schools—Remembrance and Healing. Four panelists responded to Tanya RedRoad’s question: “Where are the faith communites?” Since the residential schools for Native children—where many were abused and many died–run by different Christian denominations, the Native community deserves both an apology and work toward reparation. Four faith leaders provided both an apology and a vision of healing. Panelists: Tanya RedRoad (Aninshinaabe), Sister Pat Kennedy (Catholic), Rev. Martin Avery (Methodist), Rev. Karen Van Fossan (Universalist Unitarian), and Rev. Larry Thiele (Lutheran). Free Webinar: April 28, 2022. 7-8:30 pm. Co-sponsored with the FM Indigenous Association, Concordia’s Forum on Faith& Life, Associates of the Presentation Sisters, and the Presentation Prayer Center.

Bitter Tears: After Boarding School, in Mourning. (History of Residential Schools for Native Children) Coming to terms with cultural genocide: How can remembrance contribute to healing? Dr. Denise Lajimodiere, author of Stringing Rosaries. Co-sponsored with Indigenous Association, Concordia College, and the Presentation Center. November 30, 2021. 7-8:30 pm. Zoom.

Interfaith Panel: On Being Queer During the Pandemic. Four queer perspectives. Rev.Wakoh Shannon Hickey (lesbian/Buddhist), Eliana Shira Rubin (trans woman/Jew), Pastor Joe Larson (gay/Christian), and Cody Severson (gay/Atheist). Covid-19 has been hard on everyone, but those in the LGBTQIA+ community—who have felt religiously condemned and isolated from mainstream society—have been hit especially hard, losing support systems and safe spaces. Co-sponsored with Concordia and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. February 28, 2021. 2-3:30 pm. Zoom.

Living Together: An Interfaith Panel.  Board members of the Center for Interfaith Projects- representing Hinduism, the Baha’i Faith, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Humanism-talked about the need to live together peacefully and work together for the common good. April 9, 2017. 11 am. FM Unitarian Universalist Church, Fargo.

Practicing Peace in the Wake of 9/11. A Vedantic Approach. Speaker: Swami Sarvapriyananda, a distinguished Hindu philosopher, brought the wisdom of Vedanta—an idealistic and yet very practical Hindu worldview—to the question of how to achieve peace in the 21st century. September 11, 2016. 4- 5 pm. Festival Concert Hall, NDSU, Fargo.

International Day of Peace. A Multifaith Celebration of Peace in Song, Music, and Narrative. Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world. September 18, 2016. 4 pm. Sponsored by the Baha’i Community, Presentation Sisters, Unitarian Universalist Church, and Center for Interfaith Projects. Ed Clapp Senior Center, 2801 32nd Avenue South, Fargo.

Meet Our Muslim Neighbors. The Detroit Lakes community was invited meet two Muslims who shared their understanding of Islam and then answered questions. Speakers: Fauzia Haider and Ahmed Kamel, board members of the Center for Interfaith Projects. October 2, 2016. 2-4 pm. Minnesota Technical and Community College, Detroit Lakes.  

2016 Interfaith Pride Service. An hour of interfaith reflections and music with LGBTQIA+ affirmative messages from different faith and secular communities. Speakers talked about new ways of thinking about family and love. The service was dedicated to the memory of the victims in Orlando nightclub massacre that occurred June 12, 2016. Co-sponsored with other faith communities and the Pride Collective.  The theme this year was unraveling, reweaving, and selvage.  August 21, 2016. 12:00 pm. Fargo Theatre

Interfaith Dinner Dialogue. Representatives from different faiths and secular worldviews engaged in conversations over a vegetarian meal. Among the participants were Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Yazidis, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians (Catholics and Protestants), Baha’is, Unitarian Universalists, and Atheists. After enjoying a variety of vegetarian soups and bread, participants at four tables, seating six each, responded to the question: How have you arrived at the beliefs that give your life meaning? April 30, 2016. 5:30-7:30 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center, Fargo.

An Interfaith Conversation on Climate Justice.  After an explanation of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter—”On Care for Our Common Home”—by a Catholic scholar, representatives of four different traditions responded to the pope’s invitation “to enter into dialogue with all people about our common home.” Dr. Vincent Smiles of St. John’s University summarized the encyclical and responded to comments by Dr. Michael J. Yellow Bird (Director of Indigenous Tribal Studies, NDSU), Dr. Hilda Koster (Co-Director of Environmental Studies at Concordia College), and Dr. Ahmed Afzaal (Department of Religion, Concordia College). Sponsors: Concordia College’s Forum on Faith and Life, Saint John University’s Center for Interfaith Learning, and the Center for Interfaith Projects. February 14, 2016. 2-4 pm. Barry Auditorium of Concordia College’s Offutt School of Business, Moorhead. 

Third Sunday Interfaith Gathering: Robyn Adams and Rachel Creppen–members of Concordia’s Better Together Interfaith Student Alliance- discussed their experience at the Parliament of World Religions. November 15, 2015. 5-6 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center. 1201 13th Avenue North, Fargo.

Third Sunday Interfaith Gathering: How Science Informs My Faith and My Faith Informs My View of Science: Alex Waters. An interfaith conversation. October 18, 2015. 5-6 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center, 1201 13th Avenue North, Fargo.  

 Joint Jewish-Catholic Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate. Nostra Aetate was a 1965 Vatical II document in which the Catholic Church repudiated anti-Semitism and the charge that Jews as a people are responsible for the murder of Jesus. It affirms the religious legacy and spiritual bond shared by Jews and Catholics. Father Luke Meyer discussed the history or Christian anti-Semitism. Bishop John Folda talked about Catholic thinking about Nostra Aetate since Vatican II. Steve Hunegs, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council, gave a Jewish perspective on Nostra Aetate. Jews and Catholics sang Psalms and read scripture common to both traditions. It was the first time a Catholic bishop has spoken in Temple Beth El Synagogue. Sponsors: Center for Interfaith Projects, Catholic Diocese of Fargo, and the Jewish Community Relations Council. There was a large turnout. A reception followed. October 10, 2015. Temple Beth El Synagogue, Fargo.  

2015 Interfaith Pride Service. An affirmation of the LGBTQ community through live music and poetry. The emphasis was saying yes to sexual difference. August 16, 2015. 12:30 pm. Co-sponsored with other faith communities and the Pride Collective. Fargo Theatre. Main auditorium. Fargo.

3rd Sunday Interfaith Conversation: I am Gay and Christian”. Michael Larson, Director of Music and the Arts at Lutheran Church of the Cross, discussed his spiritual journey as an openly gay Christian. August 16, 2015. 5-6 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center, 1201 13th Ave N. Fargo.  

International Day of Peace. A Multifaith Celebration of Peace in Song, Music, & Narrative. Laetitia Hellerud, a refugee from Burundi, spoke of what it was like to live in and then to flee a war-torn country. Co-sponsored with Bahais. September 20, 2015. 4 pm. Ed Clapp Senior Center/Carlson Library, 2801 32nd Ave S, Fargo.  

Four Views of Jesus. Muslim (Ahmed Kamel), Christian (Sue Koesterman, Baha’i, (Rick Henderson, and Jewish (David Myers). All four faiths affirm the oneness of God, but they differ radically is in their understanding of Jesus. The panel not only provided four different perspectives on Jesus: it also provided a model of respectful interfaith dialogue. September 27, 2015. 2 pm. Fargo Public Library, Main Branch, Fargo.

3rd Sunday Interfaith Conversation: Forgiveness. A very diverse group of individuals—across faiths and secular world views shared their views on forgiveness. July 19, 2015. 5-6 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center, 1201 13th Avenue North, Fargo.

3rd Sunday Interfaith Conversation. Brad Leeser talked about his journey to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. The aim of these conversations is to promote respect and understanding across lines of difference. May 17, 2015. 5-6 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center (new home) 1201 13th Avenue N. Fargo.

Youth Interfaith Action. Students-2nd – 12th grade came together to assemble hygiene kits for people experiencing homeless.  Co-sponsored with Concordia’s Better Together Interfaith Student Alliance. April 12, 2015. 3-5 pm. Concordia’s Knutson Center, Moorhead. 

3rd Sunday Interfaith Conversation. Students from Concordia’s Better Together Interfaith Student Alliance discussed their work. Students from NDSU and MSUM will be invited to explore starting chapters of Better Together on their campuses. April 19, 2015. 5-6 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center (our new location): 1201 13th Ave N. Fargo.  

Meet Your Muslim Neighbors. A diverse panel of local Muslims briefly told their stories and then invited questions. Over one-hundred people attended the event. The program provided an opportunity to better understand Muslims and Islam. Sponsors: Center for Interfaith Projects and Concordia’s Forum on Faith and Life. March 15, 2015. 2-4 pm. Concordia’s Offutt School of Business: Barry Auditorium. 901 8th Street South, Moorhead.

Faith without Dogmatism. An interfaith conversation. David B. Myers, program director of the Center and a Jew, led a discussion on the question: How can people be passionate about their faith while also respecting and valuing other faiths and even secular worldviews? February 15, 2015. 5-6 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center, Fargo. 

Interfaith Dialogue and Atheism. An interfaith conversation. Ron Gaul, an atheist and new member of the board of directors of the Center for Interfaith Projects, used themes from Chris Stedman’s Faitheist to talk about the importance of interfaith dialogue from a secular perspective. January 18, 2015. 5-6 pm. NDSU Lutheran Center, Fargo.

Interfaith Fall Festival of Gratitude. An Interfaith Potluck. Participants from many religious traditions shared food and fellowship. Representatives of different religions explained the meaning of gratitude in their tradition. This was our second festival of gratitude. About 90 people from six different faiths attended. Sponsors: Center for Interfaith Projects, Elim Lutheran Church (host), Baha’i Community, Indo-American Association of the Great Plains, Islamic Society of Fargo Moorhead, and Temple Beth El. October 19, 2014. 4-6 pm. Elim Lutheran Church, 321 9th Street North, Fargo.

International Day of Peace. A celebration of peace in music, dance, and readings. The International Day of Peace was established in 1982 by the United Nations to encourage nations to seek nonviolent solutions to conflict. Eight different faith traditions were represented at this event. In addition, there were two different children’s dance group performances expressing the theme of peace. September 20, 2014. 7 p.m. Alumni Center of NDSU: 1241 N. University Drive, Fargo.

My Journey to Paganism & What You Should Know About the Pagan Way of Life. Author of 20 books on health and well-being, Dr. Todd Berntson–Chiropractor and doctoral candidate in Clinical Psychology, licensed couples’ therapist, founder and director of Pagan Living TV—talked about how he came to paganism through a study of biochemistry and physics, what the term paganism has meant historically, and how it generally understood today. April 27, 2014, 2-4 pm. Fargo Public Library, Downtown Branch. Fargo.

Interfaith Youth Project. About 90 young people from five different faith communities-grades 6-12 were brought together to assemble hygiene kits (assorted toiletries) for people experiencing homelessness. The event provided the opportunity for youth from different faiths to meet each other and to do something socially beneficial. About 150 kits were assembled in a very successful day of interfaith cooperation. Organized by the Center, Concordia’s Better Together, the Presentation Prayer Center, and the Lutheran Church of the Cross. March 30, 2014. 2 pm.  Concordia’s Campus Knutson Center, Moorhead.

Workshop: Journaling as a Spiritual Practice. Journaling can be a powerful spiritual experience. Those leading this workshop discussed its power to express and even shape one’s spiritual life. Participants were shown different techniques of spiritual journaling. Audience: veterans of journaling, those new to the practice, and those who have never journaled. Co-facilitators: Trish Tallakson, Helen Beth Kuhens, and David B. Myers. March 22, 2014. 1:30-5 pm. Atrium of Presentation Prayer Center, 1101 32nd Avenue South, Fargo.

The Need for Earth-Honoring Faiths: A Multifaith Panel. What do different faiths have to say about care for the environment or environmental justice? The guest of honor was Dr. Larry Rasmussen, Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary. Dr. Rasmussen (author of Earth Honoring Faith), representing a progressive Christian viewpoint, explained the need to respect the earth and why his faith calls him to do this. The other panelists, responding to Dr. Rasmussen’s challenge, were: Mary C. Struck (buddha dharma practice), David B. Myers (Judaism), Fauzia Haider (Islam), and Rick Henderson (Baha’i Faith). March 5, 2014. 7:00 pm. Jones A/B of the Knutson Center of Concordia College. Sponsors: Concordia’s Forum on Faith and Life, the Concordia Religion Department, and the Center for Interfaith Projects. Moorhead.  

Concepts of God: An Interfaith Panel. When people talk about God, are they talking about the same being? What are different concepts of God? Representatives of Native American Spirituality, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha’i Faith, and Mysticism explained what they mean by the term God. January 26, 2014. 2-4 pm. Fargo Public Library, Community Room, Main Branch, Fargo.

Fall Interfaith Festival of Gratitude. A potluck. Food and fellowship were enjoyed by people from different faiths. Members of different faiths explained what gratitude means in their religious traditions. November 24, 2013. 4-6 pm. Elim Lutheran Church: 321 9th Street South, Fargo.

Ask an Atheist: 4 Young Atheists Answer Your Questions. What would you like to know about atheism? How can one be good without God? How can life be meaningful without belief in a transcendent being and a life beyond the grave? Are atheists angry at religion? When and why did you become an atheist? Emphasis on honest questions and honest answers. October 27, 2013. 2:30-4:30 pm. Concordia College, Knutson Campus Center, Jones A/B, Moorhead.

Observance of the International Day of Peace. A multi-faith event. Kevin Locke, an internationally recognized Native American hoop dancer, performed. His theme was global unity. September 21, 2013. 7 pm. FM Unitarian Universalist Church, 121 9th Street South, Fargo.  

Beyond Our Differences: Film & Discussion: Beyond Our Differences. A discussion of the ideas presented in this award-winning documentary that explores the substantial common ground that religions share, despite their differences. June 23, 2013. 7:30 pm. Unitarian Universalist Church of Fargo-Moorhead. 121 South 9th Street, Fargo.

Spiritual Care and Serious Illness: Meeting the Diverse Needs of People with Life-Changing Illnesses.  A panel: Dr. Ann Sandgren (psychologist, Roger Maris Cancer Center; Rev. Jack Stanek (Director of Spiritual Care, Sanford); Willard Yellow Bird, Jr. (Native American shaman); Dr. Beth Anderson (cancer patient); and Dr. David B. Myers (cancer patient). They addressed the question: How can caregivers be more sensitive to the diverse spiritual needs of persons who are seriously ill? April 21, 2013. 2-4 pm. Oak Room, Hjemkomst Center, Moorhead.

Peace, War, Religion, and Spirituality. Five perspectives: Judaism (David B. Myers), Catholicism (Cathy Schwinden), Lutheranism (Stewart Herman), Islam (Afzaal Ahmed), and Mysticism (Phil Mouch). When, if ever, is war justifiable? Should we take risks to pursue peace? What is peace? March 17, 2013. 2-4 pm. Concordia College, Frida Nielson Hall, Moorhead.

Rituals of Different Traditions: Demonstrations and Explanations. Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Native American. A representative of each tradition performed a ritual and talked about its meaning and significance. Also, there was a silent auction, including items from different faith traditions: hangings, icons, figures, ritual objects, etc. December 8, 2012. 2-4 pm. in the Lotus Studio of the Spirit Room: 111 Broadway, Fargo.

Three Faith Traditions and the Problem of Domestic Abuse: Perspectives on Hurt and Healing. Three speakers: Dr. David B. Myers, Judaism (Temple Beth El); Pastor Laura Stancher, Christianity (Trinity Lutheran Church); and Esra Ata, Islam (Islamic Society of Fargo-Moorhead). How different faiths contributed to domestic abuse—and what can they do to promote healing? November 24, 2012. 2 pm. Co-sponsors: Center for Interfaith Projects and Rape and Abuse Center. Christian Life Center, Trinity Lutheran Church, Moorhead.

International Day of Peace. An evening of readings on peace from representatives of eight different faith traditions and music in the spirit of peace.   Co-sponsors: Baha’i community, Presentation Sisters, and the Unitarian Universalist Church. September 21, 2012. 7:30 pm. Alumni Center, NDSU, Fargo.  

Evolution vs. Religion-How to End the War. Michael Dowd, author of Thank God for Evolution (endorsed by 6 Nobel Prize-winning scientists). Dowd explained how evolution is Good News and scientific evidence is modern-day scripture. Co-sponsor: Unitarian Universalist Church. August 27, 2012. 7 pm. Unitarian Universalist Church of Fargo-Moorhead, 121 9th Street South, Fargo.

Interfaith Picnic. Potluck. A taste of bridge-building between faiths. July 19, 2012, 5-8 pm. Lindenwood Park (Main Shelter), Fargo. 

Sufism. Reza Saberi talked about the Sufi spiritual movement that some have called the heart of Islam. According to Saberi, Sufism is a Muslim form of mysticism that inspired the poetry of Rumi and shows us a direct path to God. July 26, 2012. 2 pm. Lotus Studio of the Spirit Room 111 Broadway, Fargo.

Forgiveness: Voices of 6 Religious Traditions. What does forgiveness mean in different faiths? Representatives of Hinduism (Vijay Sethi), Buddhism (Mary C. Struck), Judaism (David B. Myers), Christianity (Adam Copeland), Islam (Ahmed Afzaal), and the Baha’i faith (Rick Henderson) discussed their tradition’s view of forgiveness. May 20, 2012. 2 pm. Fargo Public Library (Main Branch).

Meet the Mormons. What are the defining beliefs and practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? How does this faith differ from other Christian faiths? How do Latter-day Saints respond to the claim that they are not Christians? Moderated by David B. Myers, a panel of three Mormons addressed these and other questions. March 24, 2012. 2 pm. Fargo Public Library (Main Branch).

Dialogue Between a Hindu and a Buddhist. Terry Lausch and Ganapathy Mahalingam. What does it mean to attain liberation in the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, and why should one seek liberation? November 20, 2011. 2-4 pm. Spirit Room, Downtown Fargo.

10th Anniversary of 9/11. An Interfaith Gathering of Remembrance and Peace. There was a display about the 9/11 disaster. September 11, 2011. Scriptural readings by representatives of different faith traditions. Hjemkomst Center of Moorhead. 202 1st Ave N.

Eve of International Day of Peace. A multi-faith observance. Readings on peace from different sacred texts and sacred music. September 20, 2011. 2pm. Unitarian Universalist Church of FM. 121 9th Street S. Fargo.  

Women & Spirituality: An Interfaith Panel–Young Female Voices. Concordia College: Jones A & B. Knutson Campus Center. September 6, 2011. Moorhead.

Mysticism and the Problem of Suffering: A Dialogue. What are the implications of mysticism for dealing with suffering and evil in this world? Does mysticism view suffering and evil as illusions or as realities? Does it call for us to withdraw or to act? Views of two practitioners: Phil Mouch and Reza Saberi. August 28, 2011. 2 pm. Spirit Room, 111 Broadway, Fargo. 

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism. Terry Lausch. An Exploration of the Concept of Spiritual Materialism through Practice, Discussion Groups, and Videos of Chogyam Trungpa. Co-sponsored with Spirit Room. Spirit Room. July 24, 2011. 111 Broadway, Fargo.

All-Day Buddhist Meditation Retreat. Participants learned about 3 Traditions:  Shamatha, Vipassana, & Vajrayana. Co-sponsored with the Spirit Room. April 11, 2011. Spirit Room. 111 Broadway, Fargo.

Mysticism and Mystical Experience: Three Perspectives. Laurie Baker, Phil Mouch, & Reza Saberi. March 20, 2011. 2 pm. Spirit Room 111 Broadway, Fargo.

How My Faith Helps Me in Difficult Times–Voices from Six Traditions: Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Humanist, Jewish, & Native American. February 27, 2011, 2 pm. Spirit Room. Fargo.

Judaism, Christianity, & Islam–Three Faiths: One God? A Jew, Christian, and a Muslim explore the question: Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God? F/M Communiversity, Concordia College. February 6 & 13, 2011. 2 pm. Moorhead.

A Conversation About Islam: Truths and Misconceptions. Dr. Ahmed Kamel (Concordia College) spoke about mistaken views about Islam and then welcomed questions from the audience. January 30, 2011. Fargo Public Library, Main Branch.

What does it mean to be a human being? An interfaith dialogue that was open to all. November 20, 2010. Center for Interfaith Projects: Interfaith Library. Spirit Room, 111 Broadway. Fargo.

Three Views of Jesus: Muslim, Christian and Jewish. Dr. Ahmed Kamel: Professor, Concordia College. Reverend Sue Koesterman, Pastor, Elim Lutheran Church. Dr. David B. Myers, Executive Director of the Center for Interfaith Projects. November 14, 2010. 2 pm. Fargo Public Library.

A Dialogue Between an Atheist and an Orthodox Priest. Professor Davis Cope (Mathematician, NDSU) & Father Oliver Herbel (Fargo Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church). September 25, 2010. Fargo Public Library, Main Branch.